Italian Courses

Italian Courses

Italian courses have become a popular course at our school lately. Cyprus is a famous tourist attraction for Italians and a specific need within tourism sector has become necessary.


We are proud to have trained a total of 40 (20 Italian / 20 English) students within the tourism sector as a part of our EU-Project Tourism Language Revival within the framework of the 2011 European Union Grant Program Making the Labour Market more Inclusive Call III. The project, which started in 2009, has provided Italian training to 40 guides and tourism agents from the tourism sector in Northern Cyprus. The Italian course was carried out in cooperation with KITREB (Cyprus Turkish Tourist Guides Association) and KITSAB (Cyprus Turkish Tourism and Travel Agents’ Association). In the evaluation made after the course, the unemployment rate among the trainees was almost 0%. Additionally, our two most successful students were awarded for a one-week training in Florence, Italy.