Erasmus Language Center


We are a proud to be an Agent of St Giles International – providing excellence in Language Training since 1955. St Giles International provides Courses and Summer Schools for people of all ages, all needs and for students all over the world. With the ut they also include excursions, activities and accommodation opportunities. In 2014, St Giles International UK was awarded a ‘Centres of Excellence’ certificate by the EL Gazette, an industry journal. St Giles was also shortlisted as a ‘Best Chain School 2015’ by the Study Travel Magazine Star Awards Scheme. In 2014, St Giles International was listed in the Sunday Times HSBC International Track 200 as one of Britain’s fastest growing overseas sales exporters. In 2015 St Giles International was also given a (UK) Queen’s Award for Enterprise for achieving 6 consecutive years of growth (2009-2014). We are a proud Agent since 2005. Besides. St Giles International gives you an opportunity to attend language courses not only in the UK but also in Canada. Attend courses for short periods such as 1-23 weeks or for a long period International Semester Course of 24 weeks. International exams such as IELTS and special purpose English courses are also included in the program.

  • General English courses (1-23 weeks)
  • International Semester Course (ISC- International Semester Course) (24 + weeks)
  • Exam Preparation Courses (IELTS, FCA, CAP)
  • Platinum Courses (Personalized)

  • St Giles International Locations
  • Brighton - UK
  • Cambridge - UK
  • Eastbourne - UK
  • London Central - UK
  • London Highgate - UK
  • Vancouver – CANADA
  • St Giles Junior Summer School - Canterbury, London, Oxford and Brighton